Congratulations on taking your first step into the world of Freemasonry. As Entered Apprentices, you have embarked on a journey rich with history, wisdom, and opportunity for personal growth. You now stand where countless others have stood before, seeking the same truth, knowledge, and understanding that Freemasonry offers.
The Entered Apprentice degree is not just an initiation but an invitation—a call to seek “more light” in Masonry. This phrase, deeply significant in our craft, symbolizes the pursuit of enlightenment, self-improvement, and understanding of the profound principles that guide us as Freemasons. It reminds us that the journey to becoming better men is ongoing and that the true Mason is never finished learning.
In this early stage of your Masonic journey, you will find the tools and teachings to begin shaping your moral and spiritual edifice. Embrace the lessons, reflect on the symbolism, and engage with your brethren, whose collective wisdom and experience will support you along the way.
Remember, Freemasonry is not about arriving at a destination but about the pursuit of truth and the constant effort to improve yourself and the world around you. Seek knowledge, ask questions, and keep your heart and mind open to the light ahead.
Welcome to the craft, and may your journey be both fulfilling and enlightening.
Joshua A. De Young, PM
Woshipful Master

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